The Aristean Mysteries pt 1
An artist’s image of Phanes and Phagos.
The Mysteries are an ancient hierachical initiatory practice within the worship of the Bright Gods of Rega. It is said that they were founded by the demigod Aristus, son of Solis, himself, and their rites involve psychoactive meads made from fey-touched honeys that are said to bring deep insights into the true nature of reality.
It is noted that the Aristean Mysteries hold all the tales of the Regan Bright Gods as true, and merely claim that they were granted additional, deeper knowledge that in no way contradicts the teachings of the orthodox Temples. As such they are tolerated by the dominant religion.
While many of their practices are too secretive for me to reveal here, I have provided an overview of their essential cosmogony and theogony to my translator and scribe on your world. See below for this document.
Vindis Aristeides
(translator's note: It is a commonly held notion that Vindis himself is a highly ranked initiate of the cult.) Translated from the Regan by Jack Kellum.
Before the wakening of the gods, and the furor of the fight against Invidia, and the making of Telluria, there was the Void. All was Khaos. But from Khaos can be born all things, and any things, and this had happened, is happening, will happen, endlessly, throughout Eternity, which neither ends nor begins.
It was told to Aristus by Caela his mother, and seen in honeyed visions of worlds beyond worlds, that in all Khaos there is/has been/will be that which creates, and that which destroys. One and the same, the halves and the whole, separate and untouching, mixed and inextricable. And that which creates, is called Phanes, Which Brings Light, and Sporeas, Which Seeds. And in the infinite Void many seeds were sown, and many beings born, and many upon many worlds woven. At the same time, before and after, now and always and never, there was/is/will be Phagos, Which Eats, called Olethros, Which Destroys.
One sews seeds in fertile fields of starless void. One comes behind and eats what is left. One kindles, one snuffs. And so is balance maintained. But in infinity some things are seeded that hate all other things, and they eat/ will eat/have eaten worlds and gods not yet dead, not yet ripe, and seek they gods just born of seed too young to fight, and 'evil' is in them, for they care not of balance. Of seeds sown by Phanes were born the Bright Gods. Of the empty void and infinite chance was born Invidia and her ilk. And they are many, and countless, as there are grains of sand on an endless beach.
And some say, though even the Gods know not, that the maker of the Envious Ones is the Void itself, mother of all, in anguish at the pangs of birth and the noise of Creation.