#MythologyMonday: Grendel (Scion)

As tragic as it is at the end, I'd love to be in the myth of Beowulf, because though he does die, he dies as a hero, at the end of a good life, for the safety of his people.

Here's a Scion version of Grendel, his old foe, if he were to return to life in modern day to plague the Children of the Gods and fight for a quieter (read: empty) world.

Grendel was a mighty troll, son of a trollwife and some unknown scion of the Aesir. His scaled and furred hide was impenetrable , forcing the hero Beowulf to wrestle him to death and rip off one arm. Now, he has been returned to life by some fell necromancy, or simply escaped the underworld in its current disarray, and his Legend has grown with all the stories told. Some titan's agent has also empowered him further with ichor, making him a frightening thing indeed: a nemean troll. It is important to note that he has difficulty turning off his heightened senses, and that this can render him vulnerable to sensory attacks, especially auditory.

sheet here https://www.patreon.com/posts/71878951


#MythologyMonday: Kaupe (Scion)