A Review of Impactful Ideals, by Colby Whittaker.

First off, full transparency, I received a free review copy of this supplement. I’ll try not to let it affect my review.

As usual I will be rating this publication on 4 metrics: Utility, Quality, Presentation, Price.

The publication is available on DM’s Guild for 3.95. We’ll come back to that.

An overview: Impactful Ideals adapts the groundbreaking Piety system from the Mythic Odysseys of Theros, that rewards player characters in DnD5e games for hewing strongly to the dogma and ideals of their patron deities and advancing their aims. The more they act in accordance with their gods will and methods, the more favor they get, with increases to ability scores and spell like abilities at various tiers. Colby skillfully adapts this to a more general, archetypal system of ideals, broadening its utility substantially/

So. To the Scoring!

Utility: If you want to encourage deep roleplaying attached to ideals, vaguely associated with alignment or completely divorced from it (you don’t have to use alignment with tis system at all), this system is for you. It is balanced, clean, and easy…as long as every PC in the game uses the system. It will slightly increase the overall power level, which can be really good. If you want to. It may not be every group’s cup of tea. So, it takes a minor hit in the utility area. But I recommend the system, and I’ve wanted to use it in other setting than Theros, so this is a great blueprint for that.

If it was more broadly applicable, I’d give it a five. As it is, I’m still giving it a solid 4.

Quality: Top notch. Well edited, well presented, attractive, good art. Professional quality +

5 out of 5.

Presentation: As above. The presentation is very well done, with extremely well chosen art, placed well on the page. Real thought and effort was put into it.

5 out of 5.

Price: 3.95 is not a super low price for 12 pages of material…but this is 12 pages of well designed, evocative material with a lot of long term use. I’d say it’s a good deal.

5 out of 5.

So, averaging out, we’ve got a 4.75, which rounds up to a 5. So I really need to recommend it in general. Thanks for reading!

get the product here: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/399790/Impactful-Ideals

And give a nod and a smile to Colby if you see him online at @dm_hagiologist.


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