
Dr. Blaidd Marrok is a direct descendant of a Knight of the original round table, Sir Marrok, who was cursed to become a werewolf by his wife. What is not known is that the curse, and the gift, have been passed down to the first born son of each generation, with the power and might increasing over the ages as their connection to the Wolf increases.

Blaidd knew he would gain the power when his father finally passed, but dedicated himself to humanity, and to healing, in order to balance the savagery of the beast he would someday become. As such, he as much a hero in his human form, working with Doctor's Withot Borders and other charitable and disaster relief organizations, as he as Marrok, using the power of the Werewolf to fight injustice and evil whereever it might rear its head.

Raised in Wrexham in North Wales, he's currently based out of London with the rest of the Knights, although he travels even more than the rest do.


John Bull, Hero of the People


Punk Rock