Of Gods and Gamemasters

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John Bull, Hero of the People

#Vanguard #KnightsOfTheRound #Hero 

John Bull. He's Britain's national super soldier, it's true. He was a Royal Marine, yes. But much more importantly, after he got enhanced using the genetic manipulation techniques perfected on Major John Courage by the U.S., he told the powers that be to stuff it, resigned from the military, and became a very public champion of the common folk. He refuses to answer to politicians or police, and only takes instruction from the Vanguard when it suits him. He dances a line between being Britain's most popular hero and public enemy number one. He thinks Knight Raven needs to stop drinking the Vimto (like Kool-Aid, sort of, for you Yanks.) and grow up. But they both love their country. John Bull just holds it to account when it fails to meet its own ideals.  John Bull is his real name, though it isn't clear if that's the name he was born with. Vanguard diplomats and lawyers do their best to keep him out of trouble.
