The Servant of Suh
The servant of Suh is a horrific creature. Its natural form is shapeless, formless, a near indescribable bloody horror, ever shifting, the scent of copper and bile filling the air around it. But it can, with an effort of will, become literally anything else it has seen, from Small to Medium size. If it is capable of reading that things mind (if any) it gains their memories and skills, as well. But it is *always* using this ability to destroy and corrupt on as large a scale as possible, to sow dissent, to sow paranoia, as it is in many ways merely an extension of its horrific master. It is formed, however, from the stuff of the plane it is found on, which keeps it from being a fiend or other form of outsider.
In Loria, it is a servant of Suh. In Rega, it would be a servant of Invidia. In other settings, make it a worldly portion and servant of a deity of chaos, change, and evil, especially oozelike or amorphous ones.