The dread Udug

The formless fiend known as the udug is known chiefly for being an indescribable *thing* of shadow and malice, carrying fear and poison with it as it travels. In Loria, it is a manifestation of Suh. In the Successor States of Rega, it is a servant of Metus, and keeps his secrets. It comes to us from the real world mythology of ancient Sumer and Akkad, whence comes the description below.

O my father, the evil udug, its appearance is malignant and its stature towering,

Although it is not a god its clamour is great and its aura immense,

It is dark, its shadow is pitch black and there is no light within its body,

It always hides, taking refuge, does not stand proudly,

Its claws drip with bile, it leaves poison in its wake,

Its belt is not released, his arms enclose,

It fills the target of its anger with tears, in all lands, its battle cry cannot be restrained.

sheet here.


The Map of Loria


The Servant of Suh