Of Gods and Gamemasters

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#GURPS #Horror Monster: The Bauhkav (Fellhunters)

The bahkauv is another rendition, it seems, of the very common folklore creature, the water panther. While it is described as ' an elongated large calf with fangs', it is depicted as distinctly feline, and also sometimes called a cross between a panther and a dragon...much like other water panthers across the world. This one lives primarily in towns and cities, living in the sewers, wells, and fountains, and emerging from them to hunt. It seems to have a dislike, or maybe a prey preference, for drunkards, possibly because they are easier to hunt, and otherwise does primarily hunt the weak and vulnerable: children, old women, etc. The original creature supposedly hunted in Aachen, Germany, and also acted like many other monsters in that it would hold on and ride you to death.

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