#GURPS #TerrorTuesday (a bit late): Malachbel, a fallen angel (Barrow)

A fallen angel can be a terrible foe. One that thinks he still does the will of god...is worse. Heartless, callous, he punishes anything he sees as sin, and most things are. He cannot harm the truly good...but who qualifies in this  greystained world? He's in Barrow, which means he can't get out. His God has cast him down, which means, thankfully, he cannot call directly on Heaven's power. He has not embraced Hell, in fact he still fights demons, and they hunt him for his past deeds, now that he's out from under the wing, as it were. He's bound to a physical form...but it's a form built for destruction: strong, fast, winged, nigh indestructible. He feels no pain, cannot be crippled, has no internal organs that matter...and he heals. Even if he is somehow killed, he'll reconstitute from *nothing*. Unless killed with holy items. And who thinks to use the holy against an *angel* who still wields a flaming sword? Cut off from the power of Heaven, he has no miracles to call on but the fire eternal itself. What more does an angry angel need?

He can hear a pin drop, at 4 times the distance you can hear a man speak. He can see, in pitch darkness, 8 times as far as any mortal. He can still sense the supernatural, but can no longer automatically judge its morality...so he assumes it is all sinful. Anyone who can see or sense magic immediately knows his power. Most know what he is. That he is fallen...is not so obvious.

He knows he is right. He knows he is above mortals, and certainly above monsters. He is quick to anger, as he was always a warrior angel. He is fearless, and acts before he thinks. He need not eat, sleep, or breathe. He is tireless. He doesn't even bleed. He can put the fear of god in you by just showing a glimpse of his angelic majesty...and he has no understanding of mortal feelings or perspectives. He sees no shades of grey. He kills what he sees as evil...which at this point, in this place, may be nearly everything. Can he be stopped before he makes Barrow into a necropolis? Or *your* city?

sheet here https://www.patreon.com/posts/gurps-bit-late-69632838


#GURPS #TerrorTuesday: The Fairy Lioness


#GURPS #TerrorTuesday: The Water People