Of Gods and Gamemasters

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The First Vampire (DnD5e)

An excerpt from a Lust for Life, my upcoming Alternate Necrology of Vampires supplement.

Long ago, on the southern continent of the eastern hemisphere,

one being refused to die. It has been so long, even the First does not remember the details. They only know that they have existed nearly as long as humanity. They have seen empires rise and fall. As the years, decades, centuries, millenia have passed, they have only grown stronger. They are no wizard, no priest. They are a hunter, and they are very, very good at what they do. They hunt their own domain, in the broad rain forests, but from time to time they venture out into the wide world to see what has changed. They have made others like themselves, oh so many times, but very few last long. Eternity is not easy. The First... well, they simply continue to exist, moment to moment, day to day.

The First may have once had a biological sex, but it is beyond such things now, and beyond gender as well. They are the Hunter, and they use whatever tools they need to hunt sapient prey.

The First's main lair is an ancient stone structure, half temple, half fortification, of rounded towers and unmortared walls, deep in the jungle . . . but they can establish a lair wherever they please, in time.

The First's power over the rain forest and its creatures often extends for many, many miles, but at the least, they control an area 6 miles in radius around their lair. They do not allow other undead, especially not other vampires, other than their own spawn and thralls, within that radius.

The First carries an ancient fire hardened spear of sharpened ash that has gained power with the creature over time, imbued with deadly energy and bonded to it.

The vampire's wolf form is more like a fearsome combination of the prehistoric dire wolf and a massive hyena, and might well be mistaken for either by the casual eye.

In humanoid form, it dresses either very simply in loin cloth and sleeveless wrap, or in whatever manner suits its surroundings. It is quite capable of adapting. Its skin is a very dark brown, almost black, and its hair is black and tightly coiled. Its hair might be either long, worn in locks, or much tighter to the head. It seems to vary. Some even say it has long red hair in locks. When its mythic form finally shows, its skin is a red-toned black color, and its hair is blood red.

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