Random BBEG #3: Goliath Fist Wizard


This fierce fellow flings fists most magically.

Keep in mind that he has three Shield Guardians that can store and cast Haste, Enlarge, and Magic Weapon on him, respectively, and maintain those spells until destroyed. If he Rages, his Contingency spell will cast Transformation on him, with all the additional buffs that accrues.

His Unarmed Combat style and feats combine allowing him to be a terror in unarmed combat, and even if in a grapple, he can cast a spell, while doing damage without attacking each round, and getting 2 attacks…one of which can be a cantrip. Unless he’s raging. He can activate his tattoo ten times to do extra damage when striking or attack as a reaction, regardless of whether he is raging or not. He takes half damage so long as even one of his shield guardians is up, and each one can raise his AC to 27 as a reaction once a round. The stone defender can raise his AC to 30 once a round as a reaction. He himself can reduce incoming damage by spending spell slots as a reaction, reducing damage by 5 times the level of the slot. If he’s raging, then he’s taking 1/4 damage from weapon attacks, if they even manage to hit.

The BBEG Goliath is bitter against his own people, who belittled him as a a bookish, intellectual fool, and against little folk, who see him as an unlettered barbarian…so he has determined to prove both wrong by conquering the region with his warforged troops and constructs.

Before the encounter, he will have placed one or more Mage’s Faithful Hound spells strategically in the area. He will have a warm Fire Shield, True Seeing, and Crown of Stars precast as well.

When all seems lost for him, he will cast wish and fully heal himself and up to 9 of his allies.


Random BBEG #2: Angry Shifter Druid