Of Gods and Gamemasters

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Jack's Giant of the Week: Gogmagog

This is a new series where I provide some info and stats for famous giants from folklore and myth, especially the Jack tales, all gussied up for use in DnD5e. See my supplements “Fe Fi Fo Fum: Jack’s Guide to Giants” and “the Fomor Folio” for more gianty goodness.

"Look. We all know Geoffrey o' Monmouth is a liar. Britain din't come from Brutus, it came from Britons, an' no damn Corrinaeus killed this bastard, it was me. That's why I'm called Jack Gogsbane, aye? I tricked 'im into runnin' at me an' tripped him so he fell out over the cliff an' was dashed t' death on the rocks just beneath the waves at Kemare Head. Cuz as long as 'is feet were on the ground, e'd get better even if ye took 'is 'ead off."

Gogmagog is a giant named in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae. In that story, he is wrestled by Coryn, or Corinnaeus, a companion of Brutus, who was thought to have been the Trojan founder of Britain.

Here, I have used all the elements of his story (some claim he was based on the giant Antaeus, defeated by Heracles) to create a powerful earth giant to challenge your party.

sheet here https://www.patreon.com/posts/89635339