Legends of Rega: Fureincaendium, the Purple Emperor.
First of all dragons made, crafted from the corpse of dead Invidia by the hands of Interitus, Metus, and Rixa. Designed to be a force of pure destruction, a creature intended to aid in ending this world, so that Invidia might be reborn. They succeeded very well indeed, forcing the bright gods to craft Chrysotonitribus, the Golden King, and the other metallic dragons, to forestall the chromatics from laying waste to all things.
Fureincaendium is beyond gargantuan, larger than any living thing on the face of the world save the Megaketos. He's more than twice the length of the largest greatwyrm. His vast wings blot out the sun. His deep, reddish purple scales are studded, here and there, with masses and patches of other colors, randomly scattered about, but somehow forming an eye-catching, beautiful whole. He has six legs, and can use all four of the ones in front to fight. He resembles a blend of all the chromatic breeds...or rather, they each take on some aspects of his appearance. He has no interest in, or need for, subtle spellcasting, unlike his golden counterpart, relying instead upon sheer, overwhelming power.
Though Tellus-bound, he is as much a fiend as any balor, and holds the status of a demon prince in their fell and fluctuating hierarchy.
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