Legends of Rega: Kaecilia Stormborn, Archmage of Rega
art by the Shady Sail
Kaecilia Saeviaides Stormborn,
Archmage of the High Council of the Successor States
Stormborn, Borderwalker, Dragon Mage, Godshand.
Descendant of Saevios himself.
No one is sure how old she really is, but she looks like a very fit dark skinned woman in her 60's or seventies, with long pure silver hair and purple eyes. Her features are Regan, that is, a mixture of the dark brown people of the southern continent with the olive skinned people of the middle sea, and points beyond. She dresses in robes of dark blue trimmed in silver runes, with a dark stormcloud grey cloak over it all, clasped at the neck with a brooch in the shape of a lightning bolt. Her staff of the magi is gnarled and blackened rowan, mountain ash, with a large amethyst in the knobbed tip. She has advised the rulers of the Successor States for at least the last two generations, and fought on the front lines in Skaria personally more times than most folk can count or remember.
She is encountered, at times, in the form of an ancient bronze dragon. Most believe she achieves this form by magic, but the reverse could, one supposes, be true. Her familiar, never far from her side, is a tiny violet fey dragon. The butterfly wings of the faey dragon are black with purple spots, and its oversized purple eyes glow with an inner mischief and light.
Often, on the battlefield, she is accompanied by a mighty iron cpnstruct named Cleaver, whom she sometimes enlarges further to enhance its combat ability. Some have seen it emerge from a hole in the ground created by her familiar unfolding a small black cloth...Cleaver's sword is a great black iron two handed sword sized to his grip. It is uncertain how it was achieved, but Cleaver shows the fighting skills of a champion fighter, and the techniques of a master of great weapons.
The Stormborn uses wind, lightning, and thunder as her weapons of choice, and has shown herself to be entirely immune to their effects. She seems, often, to bear limitless spells, although this has to be an illusion born of foresight and preparation, doesn't it?
She is impetuous and free, quick to laughter and to anger, but never cruel. Few react as swiftly as she does, and she is well known to move with inhuman haste anytime danger threatens. She moves in water as if it were air, and seems to breathe it as well.
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