Of Gods and Gamemasters

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It’s Enough (Uratha/Garou love song)

I don't need your kisses or your gentle caresses ,
Babe, as long as you love me it's enough.
I don't need to feel your body wrapped around me
Babe, as long as you love me it's enough.

I don't need to be your one and only,
Babe, as long as you love me it's enough.
Even though we'll never really get to be together
Babe, as long as you love me it's enough.

I don't  really need to feel the warmth of your body,
Babe, as long as you love me it's enough.
I don't need to see desire in your eyes,
Babe, as long as you love me it's enough.

I don't need to feel your tiny hands trail down my body
Babe, as long as you love me it's enough.
I don't need to taste the sweet, sweet nectar of your lips
Babe, as long as you love me it's enough.

performed here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahKALBDJAL8&t=7s

Back in older editions of both Forsaken and Apocalypse, werewolves were forbidden to love each other, because it caused a kind of inbreeding problem that sometimes created monsters. Now, this seems to have been removed from the lore, and I’m glad, but it did make some interesting situations.