Pathfinder Friday: The Trichotoi

The Trichotoi, or 'hairy ones'.

Largest of the twisted kobaloi, warped by draconic and Invidian blood into mockeries of what they once were, the trichotoi, also called, colloquially, 'bugbears', are terrifying ambush predators. Each type is descended from a specific set of spartoi, the metallic humanoids made by the gods to defends mortals from dragons and their spawn.

All trichotoi have in common bodies covered in hair, elongated arms, and a powerful but lanky build. They also have in common a spiteful and cruel attitude toward weaker creatures, inculcated in them carefully by the servants of the dark gods who made them what they are.

There are four types that are commonly found.

First, the aquatic trichotoi, warped from the noble Bronzetooth people. Their hair is slimy and often dark green, like strands of seaweed. Beneath that hair, showing through in patches, is metallic flesh, mottled with the colors of verdigris on bronze. Like their forebears, they are amphibious, and resistant to lightning, a very rare ability amongst the servitor species of the Dark Three. They often lurk beneath dark waters, at the edges, waiting for a chance to pounce on an unsuspecting victim and drag them into the depths to drown. They are most often found in the ocean, in rivers, and in swamps and lakes as well.

Next, the desert trichotoi. They bury themselves in sand, and burrow through it undetected, to emerge from below much as the aquatic ones do, and drag their victims down. Highly resistant to flame and heat, their dulled brass flesh is covered in fine hair that usually mimics the color of their surroundings, most often an equally dull tan with patches of other browns as camouflage. They need very little water.

Third, the trichotoi of hills and forestlands, whose skin is covered with as much moss as hair, greens and browns to blend with the local foliage or even lichen, over flesh colored like corroded copper. Acid resistant, they are also exceptionally surefooted, and hard to move or knock down against their will.

Finally, the trichotoi of the mountains. Where their forebears flesh was shining silver, their own flesh is most often covered by charcoal fur and hair, to blend in well with the mountainside, and stony growths protrude like hillocks out of the hair. Like their forebears, they are highly resistant to cold, and are the most terrifying of the trichotoi, with personalities that are both strong and cruel.

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