Khul Malagran, King of the Haruk Gods
Two great red wargs sit at his feet. Five massive shrikes circle his head. He sits on a throne of iron, the arms and back of which are capped with the skulls of gods he has slain. He drinks from the horn of a unicorn, the fermented blood of elves. His eyes are empty, bloodied sockets, deep beyond reason, where the leader of the elf gods blinded him...but he sees all. His spear is the lightning bolt. The thrum of his bow, the sound of thunder. His sword is the shearing, freezing wind. He is armored in bone, lacquered crimson, and from his shoulders falls a cloak of scarlet dragon hide. His flesh is red-gold, and his lustrous mane is black as night, speckled with stars, silver at the temples as befits a veteran of countless battles. He is Khul Malagran, the Dread Strider, the Red Rider, and all the world and heavens will be laid at his feet. The Eyeless One sees all, and the storm is his to command.
full deity sheet here :