Magni, Son of Thor and Jarnsaxa

Magni, meaning Strong, or Mighty, is the son of the Norse thunder god, Thor, and the frost giantess Jarnsaxa. It is noted that he is even stronger than his father, having lifted a giant off of Thor that Thor could not move himself...when Magni was three years old. This version is him as an adult (an older teen, really) in a world where Ragnarok has not yet occurred, and he does not yet have his father's hammer. Instead, he bears his mother's axe, made for her by the dwarves. His armored belt was made for him specifically, a lesser, and in some ways different, Meginjardr than that worn by his father. He has, as yet, little control over its powers. He is very good at using it as a weapon, however. His twin brother, Modi, also exists and adventures in this world, bearing the terrible blade Gram. Unfortunately, he has been turned against his siblings by the villain Foxfire.

ps Yes, the axe is inspired by the Leviathan Axe from God of War, and I've stolen some of their version of Laufey ('Fey') for my version of Jarnsaxa. In my imagination, he is bare chested, bearded, and red haired, and as big as, or bigger than, his father. This is neither the Marvel version nor the GoW version of Magni, but my own, inspired by the myths.



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