Of Gods and Gamemasters

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Mutants and Masterminds Character of the Week: Scab!

Scab used to be a normal guy, just a construction worker in San Francisco. On the day Champion's starship crashed, the flash in the sky startled him at just the wrong moment, and he felt a sting in his neck...he fell from the top of the high rise he was working on to the ground 20 stories below. He died, most of his bones and organs crushed by the fall. But only moments later, he rose again, his own blood forming a hideous thick carapace of scabs that encased him, healed him, empowered him. Bitter at a life of being exploited, he took his new powers and began a life of crime, taking what he wants, when he wants it. And the thing that merged with him encourages his baser appetites. While he is enormously strong, and very dangerous in a fight, his most terrifying ability is the Contagious Scabs: He can touch someone, scabs flowing over them, encasing them as well... holding them in place, cocooning them in a comatose state...and those who touch the cocoon are affected as well. He heals from any injury very rapidly, and even if killed, will resurrect in about 15 minutes as the scab entity repairs him. The scab exoskeleton also, in addition to being highly resistant to damage itself, intercepts and deflects incoming attacks. The origins of the thing he merged with are unknown. Perhaps it hitched a ride to earth on the hull of Champion's ship. The scab thing preserves his life. He doesn't age, and is immune to nearly all environmental hazards, even the depths of space...but he must still eat. And he must eat a *lot.*

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