The Bull of Heaven
Art by Goran Gligovic
Used with Permission.
Originally from Mesopotamian myth, the Bull of Heaven was sent by Ishtar to punish Gilgamesh and his city of Uruk for his refusal of her romantic advances. Gilgamesh and his lover Enkidu manage to kill it, but this and their arrogance , combined with killing the Humbaba, result in the death of Enkidu later.
In Loria, the Bull of Heaven is an enforcer sent by the storm god Ugir (aka the Bull God) to punish places or people who have committed grievous sins. Other gods may sometimes request that it be unleashed. Once it is let loose, few forces can stop it, and it destroys all in its path without real concern for collateral damage.
In battle, it is surrounded by an aura of storm that batters and blasts all things near it with lightning and thunder. Its stomp is the thunderclap, and fear precedes it. As a creature of Heaven, it can sense all things touched by the gods or their opponents, and especially the taint of the Void outside, where Suh waits to destroy all.