Dragon and Rider templates (GURPS Dragonhame)

In the world of Dragonhame, on the continent of Hiraeth, a secluded community of dragon riders lives, psychically bonded with their mounts. The community, called Cewes Draig, has prospered because of their parternship with the dragons, and the dragons have prospered too.

The dragons of this world, for the most part, are as intelligent as an elephant, and not capable of actual speech, although they can communicate with other dragons and riders via telepathy. One of the pre-requisites to become a rider is this capacity for psychic speech.

Dragons don't have hands, and they are, while very intelligent, still very bestial in their modes of thought. The dragons that have bonded with a rider take advantage of their riders intellect and opposable thumbs, just as the riders use their mount's strength, size, flight...and breath weapons, which vary from dragon to dragon. The average dragon is a little more than 12 feet long, with another 7 feet or so of tail, and a nearly 20 foot wingspan. They are fast, with flight speeds averaging 50 mph, and very tough, with hide roughly equivalent to reinforced scale mail.

But the riding dragon is not the apex predator. There are larger dragons, far more inimical to humans, who also prey on the smaller dragons, and many other terrifying monsters on the continent of Hiraeth. Other cultures have domesticated dragons in a less friendly way, much more as slaves than partners.

The accompanying sheets are the base templates for a riding dragon and their partner. Each should be built on 300 points, leaving plenty of room for customization.

Fans of Dragon Riders of Pern or How to Train Your Dragon, rejoice. I'll probably make content for this world in both GURPS and the AGE system (especially utilizing Blue Rose.)

sheets here https://www.patreon.com/posts/99402898


Ming Zi Xuan, reluctant henchman