Of Gods and Gamemasters

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The Fellowship of the Ring, DnD style.

Yeah. I know. We all have our own head canon. We all know that Gandalf isn't a wizard in DnD terms. But...he really is, in some ways. The problem is, Lord of the Rings isn't a DnD world. So they don't match up to DnD classes as clearly. But here's one example of how the Nine Walkers of the Fellowship of the Ring might appear if they *did* live in a DnD world.

I will note that I have read the books every year since I was 8, and had read the Hobbit by age 6. I've read the Silmarillion many times, etc, etc. My versions do have some movie elements, but they are mostly from the books, like my Elrond. I'm not here to argue about these guys, this is just one possibly fun take.:)

The five tall folk I present as the greatest heroes of their peoples in their Age, as they were in the books. Gandalf is *not* human. The four hobbits I present somewhere after Rivendell, but before the splitting of the Fellowship, or very near there. They are probably several levels higher by the time they get back to the Scouring of the Shire.

Playable sheets rather than prettifed statblocks, because this is just for fun.

Also, yes Aragorn is both aasimar and half-elf. It ain't fair, but there it is.:)

sheet here https://www.patreon.com/posts/81244065