Of Gods and Gamemasters

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The Blood Lich, for 5e and Black Flag Roleplaying

Like other liches, the blood lich is an undead spellcaster, one has given up life for an eternal existance, a false, cursed half-life. Unlike other liches, the blood lich specializes in blood magic, wielding hemomancy and necromancy together to drain life from the living. Instead of a soul jar or soul gem, the blood lich stores its essence in its own still beating heart, keeping fresh with constant infusions of blood. At least once a month, that blood must come from a living sapient creature that dies in the process. The blood lich alos drains blood from living things to maintain its physical form, though many do only the bare minimum to upkeep their cadavers, resulting in creatures that range from a bloody bare skeleton to a creature with red flesh tightly wrapped around its bones. Sometimes, veins and arteries can be seen stil pulsing with vital fluid, but the internal organs are always missing.

While they are often served by other creatures with an affinity for blood, as well as undead, they almost never share space with vampires, as each considers the other a rival for the same precious red ichor.

sheet here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/blood-lich-for-106034309