Santa Claus, the Krampus, and the Santa’s Helper Warlock Subclass
Santa Claus. Father Christmas. Sinterklaas. Kris Kringle. He has many names, on many worlds, in many nations. Some say he was a saint. Some, an old god. What is known, is that he is a very powerful incarnation of the Winter Solstice, of the death and rebirth of the sun, and of the hope that spring will come again. His red and white robes represent life and death, blood on snow, fire in the winter. When he dresses in green, it is the evergreen on the ice, that symbol of eternal life and watchfulness. Santa brings gifts to all the good children of the world, but he does more than that. He watches over them while they sleep. He cannot intervene in their normal lives, but he, along with others protects their dreams and aspirations, and keeps them safe from evils from beyond the world. He grants hope, and joy, and the strength to make it through the darkest times, like winter. Though several of his names reference a particular religion, he himself is older than these, and has done his duty since the first child needed hope that they would live until spring. He makes his home at the fabled North Pole, in the Feywilds, where hordes of dwarven, elven, and gnomish craftsmen help him make his wonderful toys. For it is wonder that he represents the most, wonder and joy and merriment, even in the darkest times, and the festivals of light. He can take nearly any form, and this represents merely, perhaps, the most familiar one in modern times, an egregore of all the beliefs that people hold about him. He can circle the globe in a night, and deliver presents to all, with the help of his magical sleigh and his flying reindeer, but he needs your help. He needs you believe . . . Not that he exists, but that what he represents, joy and wonder, exist and *must* exist. His servants and warlocks are bound to follow the same ethos, and he is patron to paladins of the Oath of the Ancients most of all, but devotion, redemption, and the Watchers, as well.
game statistics Now Updated with a Krampus Warlock subclass!