Of Gods and Gamemasters

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Maelhros the Hellbringer (DnD5e BBEG)

All he ever wanted was to be loved. At least at first. He didn't ask to be born the cambion son of a gold elf warlock and her infernal patron, an archdevil named Deimos, the Duke of Fear and Undeath. He was born exceptionally beautiful, a paragon among elves, with platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and amber eyes that flashed to flaming red when he was angered. But he was also born with broad black bat wings, small ivory horns in his hairline, and a long barbed tail.  He tried to be good, but he was scorned by the elves for his fiendish taint, and he and his mother were driven into exile. 

At the age of seven, he severed his own wings and tail. He wanted to fit in. But when he went back, they still cast him out, stoned him, tried to kill him. He fled for his life, and sacrificed his own severed flesh in a ceremony where he pledged his allegiance to Hell, to Asmodeus. If the elves didn't want him, his fiendish kin did.

As he grew, he studied necromantic magic, for which he showed great talent. His father even shred some secrets with him, tutored him from time to time, found him an old necromancer lich to whom he could apprentice. When he reached adulthood, he was already a very competent mage, and had learned to wield the power of his blood and that granted him by his pacts with Hell, to great advantage.

By this time, he had decided that if he could not have love, he would have power. He joined with other young adventurers, and embarked on a long quest for power and knowledge. Many goodly creatures and heroes were slain, dark beings and monsters conquered or converted to their cause, including a full city of dark elves and a number of dragons.

Betraying even his own companions, whom he loved as much as he was able, was a final sacrifice on his way to true power. His legions of undead and evil monsters laid the entire world at his feet. 

When his father summoned him to Avernus to reward him for his service to Hell, he slew his father in single combat, and took his place. Now he serves Asmodeus, and Zariel, as the Hellbringer, Duke of Undeath, Herald of the Nine Hells,  Destroyer of Worlds.

Among his most bitter foes, of course, are celestials and the like, servants of the good gods . . . but also Orcus and other demon lords who contest his dominance over Undeath.

Amongst his allies? Asmodeus and Zariel favor him, for now, though they are wary of his ambition, and he seems to have somehow gained the good will of Tiamat herself. As such, he very often rides a unique infernal ancient red dragon dracolich into battle, one of her very own children, slain by heroes, but resurrected by his dark magic.

sheet here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/86456086