Of Gods and Gamemasters

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#DnDDonarsday Plant of the Day: The Giant Red Dragon Flytrap

A massive plant measuring as much as 15 feet across, with jawlike stalks that can reach out as much as ten feet more. Often found in the same rocky hills, mountain ranges, and volcanic areas as red dragons, this huge carnivorous plant may well have been nurtured on dragon's blood, or may simply have been influenced by the power of a nearby dragon's lair. In Rega, they are of course changed by the blood of Invidia, but whether at one remove, from the blood of the dragons or not, is unknown. It doesn't blend in, but it is quite possible those seeing it may not realize what it is, or how dangerous. Additionally, it emits an extremely sweet smell of nectar, magically magnified, that lures prey within range.

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