#DnDDonarsday Monster of the Week #4: Giant Octopus Zombie

A bit rotted but mostly intact, this horrific creature was found in a shipwreck just off of a coral reef near a newly discovered island. It had wandered into the ship's hold alive...but while there, it ate the zombified corpse of the drowned slaves who had been trapped in the ship when it went down. Their pain and desire for revenge became part of it, and it became undead in turn...which trapped it in the hold, as it could no longer squeeze its dead flesh through the small hole it used to get in.

pdf here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66644371


#DnDDonarsday Beast: the Ape, revised


#DnDDonarsday Monster of the Week #3: The Shambling Mound Zombie