#DnD Donarsday: Goll, Lord of Fachan (Fomor)

Goll is just named in the stories. We are told nothing about him. He was named and present at Maigh Turiread, thus he muts have been important, but is not listed among the slain. Here, I have envisioned him as the Lord of the Fachan, greatest of those ogres that walk both the ethereal and the material at once. This is just one example of the many cool monsters in my Fomor Folio. He wields a dread twenty-chained flail tipped with fifty poisonous apples.

He lays waste to all around him, and his breath is death. His stench is poison. His essence is hate.

sheet here https://www.patreon.com/posts/80433700

Buy the Fomor Folio here https://www.ofgodsandgamemasters.com/store/p/the-fomor-folio

Or Here https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/432962/The-Fomor-Folio


#DnD Donarsday: Special Request: The Werewillow


#Open DnD Commission: Squackuerinis