#DnD Donarsday Bonus Monster: The Babbling Mushmaw (repost)

The Babbling Mushmaw, known to mythos scholars as a lesser shoggoth, is a terrifying creature that is difficult, at best, to describe. It is a huge mound of rippling , babbling, screaming flesh, eyes, and mouths, that randomly flails about with pseudopods that grow and are reabsorbed by the body. It appears to be some hideous amalgam of animal, vegetable, and even fungus and amoeba.

Art by Nottsuo - nottsuo.deviantart - pixiv.net twitter.com/nottsuo. Used by permission, under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


DnD Monster: the Harionago (Asian/Rokugan)


DnD Bonus Monster: The Jade Giant (Asian)