Of Gods and Gamemasters

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#DnD Bonus Monster: The Arch-Mummy!

Deep within the desolate desert, the entrance to an ancient tomb rises above the sands. Perhaps it's a pyramid, perhaps a mastaba, maybe carved into a cliffside. But this entrance is well traveled, for that within lies uneasy, undead, ruling the lands for many miles around with a truly iron fist. Wrapped in their funeral gauze, wearing their mask and their headdress, they do not sleep...they scheme. For if they do not rule...they must rectify that. And their god must reign ascendant. They worship gods like Vecna, like Metus, (if in Rega). These are no followers of Osiris or Anubis, rightfully roused to protect their tombs and treasure. No. The Arch-Mummy chose unlife to better serve the ends of the Dark, and bring all the world under its rule...even if the world must die for that to happen. Souls are of value to their god, dead or not.

The Arch-Mummy was, in life, a high priest of the dark gods, or became so. Often these creatures were high nobility before entering the priesthood, and some were kings and queens or priests at the same time. Served in death by near limitless undead if they wish, but at least a few mummy lords and mummies, as well as skeleton warriors and bone knights dedicated to their service even in death, arch-mummies are a blight on the world. They turn fertile lands into deserts simply by their presence.

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