#DnD Bonus Character: Elrond Half-Elven

Elrond from a DnD5e point of view. I've merged the books and movies a bit, and adjusted him to fit an actual DnD world. In Middle-Earth he'd be more subtle, and he has certainly never demonstrated the ability to fly... Yes, I have him mechanically as a full blooded elf. As that was his choice. The half elf race actually best represents the Dunedain and descendants of Elros, his brother. Divine Soul sorcerer because his grandmother was a Maia. An no, that’s not a scimitar.

pdf here https://www.patreon.com/posts/67916262


#DnD Special Monster: The Tarrasque, but Mythic


#DnD (and Now GURPS!) Bonus Item (with Sir Grenchaw): Caledbolg