Of Gods and Gamemasters

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BBEG Tiefling Totem Barbarian

This guy is a terror. He can usually manage four or more attacks each round because he has multiple ways to use a bonus action to get an attack, and he's drunk a potion of Speed before the fight. His Tunnel Fighter fighting style combined with his feats means once he's in stance he has unlimited attacks of opportunity, and get attacks of opportunity when you enter his reach of 10 feet, and can use a reaction to attack if: you move 5' while near him, or damage him (tattoo). Due to a boon from Zariel he will get at least one crit, probably on a blow that has Branding smite and the tattoo activated, for 5d10+38 plus 8d6 necrotic (that he heals half of) plus 4d6 radiant damage. That uses up his crushing blow and his ferocious surge. If he's actually getting hurt he can use a reaction to reduce damage by 1d10 on a recharge of 5 or 6. He has advantage on saves vs magic, takes half damage from all except psychic, and once per short rest can heal himself for half his maximum hit points. Want a really hard fight? Team him up with the Tiefling Warlock of Zariel. They could be brothers.
