#DnD Bonus Monster: Poludnitsa, Mid-Day Demon

The Poludnitsa, or Mid-Day Demon, torments those foolish enough to go out or work in the noonday sun. Only found in the brightest parts of the day, she makes it brighter by her presence. Should she find a field worker or other victim, she will first speak to them, asking difficult questions and riddles. If they refuse to engage or fail to answer one of her questions, she then attacks. If she comes upon a girl lying in a field, she will try to get that girl to dance. If the girl refuses,  the poludnitsa will kill her. If she agrees, she will be forced to dance until dusk, at which point she will be released. If she somehow beats the poludnitsa in a contest of dancing, Lady Mid-day will grant her a rich dowry. 

(Treasure equal to a hoard at its CR.)

sheet here https://www.patreon.com/posts/70760127


#DnD Bonus Monster: Fly Fisher, aka flydra


#DnD Bonus Monster: The Kraken-Wolf