How to Make a Fomor for #DnD5e

So, first I’d like to shout out Kobold Press for making their Tome of Beasts OGL. Tons of good stuff in there. And it got me thinking. I already pointed out that pretty much all evil or ‘Unseelie’ fey would be Fomor under my model, so here’s a handy conversion guide to make them fit.

Here’s what you need to add:

Resistant to nonmagical weapons that are not iron. Higher CR critters, say ten or above, get resistant to nonmagical weapons , and immune to nonmoagical weapons that are not iron, so that to do full damage the weapons muct be iron and magical. But it’s rarely a big deal because steel does count, it just affects wooden weapons, bronze weapons, etc.

Amphibious. All Fomor breathe both air and water.

A swim speed, usually the same as their land speed, because they are from a sub-aquatic realm.

Cold resistance, upgrading to immunity in many cases, especially over CR 10. Their home realm has no light or heat. They will all also have darkvision, and many will have Deep Sight: Magical darkness does not impede their dark vision.

They will at least be resistant to poison and acid, and many will be immune. Higher CRs will also be resistant to necrotic (or even immune) again because of the nature of their realm. Most will be immune to the poisoned condition, and high CRs will be immune to frightened, and possibly charmed, especially if they have magic resistance, which basically upgrades their fey ancestry.

Most will have the Fey Ancestry trait.

Most will be vulnerable to Radiant damage, and if they regenerate, Radiant damage will suspend it for a round.


An Alternative Ecology of Giants


#MythologyMonday: A weird theory about the Aesir and the Tuatha de Danaan.