Of Gods and Gamemasters

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Barrow: Cage of Horror

Barrow, Massachusetts

Barrow is a teeming metropolis of nearly seven million, nestled in southern Massachusetts like a tick. To those outside, it is nothing. Never heard of, never mentioned. Unless you know where you are going, or are very unlucky, or are chosen, you can drive right past Barrow on the Interstate and never notice it. To most of the world, the only things of interest in that region are the fallen whaling town of New Bedford and Lizzie Borden’s home town of Fall River…both of which are just suburbs of the bloated thing called Barrow.

Barrow is a prison, and a trap. Evil is drawn here, and here it remains, caught in insane folds of space and time, believing always that it stays of its own accord. Vampires, werewolves, eldritch Things man Was Not Meant to Know...all these abound here alongside what seem, at first look, to be more run of the mill criminals and villains. But what they all have in common is surpassing evil.

When Jack the Ripper stopped his spree in London, this is where old Saucy Jack fled. He still stalks the streets. And he is but one of many faces of evil, here.

Though the evils are trapped here, still, they must be opposed. Contained, lest their evil spill out. And the harm they do to the innocents caught here by ill luck or responsibility must be ameliorated as best may be.

A job for a different sort of hero.

Welcome to Barrow.

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