The Flower of Death and Flower Children for dnd5e

The Flower of Death is an enormous carnivorous plant, resembling nothing more than a giant sundew flower. It is very pretty, and smells quite good. In addition, while it is not moving, it does not look like anything but a normal plant. With its central maw closed, it looks very much like the picture above, just very, very large. However, when it senses prey moving along the ground within 60 feet with its tremorsense, it attacks, often by surprise, lashing out with long sticky tendrils from its suddenly open gaping maw at the center of the flower. Below the gnashing teeth of the maw is a stomach much like a pitcher plant, quite hard to escape. The flower of death cannot move, and is very vulnerable to fire, although it is resistant to many other forms of harm. Its malleable, fibrous form cannot be harmed at all by piercing or bludgeoning attacks, rendering many ranged attacks useless.

In the Successor States of Rega, it is normally found in the subtropical rainforest found on the Arkian Peninsula, particularly surrounding the ruins of the city of Rega itself. The magical forces involved in the destruction and fall of the city and its Empire, combined with high concentrations of the blood of Invidia spilled here during the last days of the conflict, caused this unnatural and horrific plant, and its spawn, to arise.

The Flower Child is a mobile seed pod and ovopositor for its parent plant, the flower of death. These creatures are produced in relatively large numbers by the flower, and rove the forest floor performing two tasks: gathering food in the high competition area of the rain forest by killing or poisoning prey and bringing it back, or helping its parent procreate, by impregnating other creatures with its parasitic seeds. As the seeds grow, most creatures are unaware of them until they begin to sprout, as the creature dies, all its organs and flesh consumed to fuel the birth of a new flower of death. Flower children come in many bright colors, and stand about 2 and a half feet tall, 3 feet tall if they stretch up their long necks.

Sheets: Flower of Death Flower Child


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